Cookies 包含某些資訊,由向您發送 Cookies 的網頁伺服器讀取。
Cookies 無法用於執行程式或向您的電腦傳送病毒。
Cookies 管理大多數網路瀏覽器會自動接受 Cookie,但如果您願意,您可以修改瀏覽器設定以拒絕使用 Cookie。
您可以透過本行網頁彈跳視窗同意或拒絕使用 Cookies,或於同意Cookies的運作後透過點選撤回同意再撤回您的同意。本行收到您拒絕或是撤回同意後,將不再使用能辨識您身份之Cookies資訊並刪除IP資訊,但如果您選擇拒絕或是撤回同意使用 Cookies,您可能會無法使用部份本行個人化服務,或是參與部分本行的活動。
Cookies Notice is part of our Privacy Statement. For more information, please refer toPrivacy Statement .
The Bank use Cookies to improve the services provided by the Website or to perform your request. This may include but not limited to providing more effective services, avoiding re-entering the same information, improving the Website or services more friendly, conducting surveys and analysis to improve the Bank’s products, services and technology, displaying content and advertisements according to your interests and preferences, storing your preferences and other information to personalize the content for your next visiting.
Cookies contain some information, which will be read by a web server that transfers Cookies to you. Cookies cannot be used to execute programs or to deliver viruses to your computer.
Cookies ManagementMost of the browsers are set for automatic acceptance of cookies as standard, but if you do not accept your Cookie used by the Bank, you may change the Cookie settings through the browser you are using.
You can agree or disagree to the use of Cookies, or disagree by clicking on the Opt out to withdraw your consent after the agreement. The Bank will not use the information of cookies which can identify you and delete the IP information after receiving your withdrawal of the consent. However, if you choose to withdraw, some personalized services or activities of the bank may not work properly.