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活動訊息 業務公告 新聞稿 法定公開揭露事項 洗錢防制專區 遵循國際稅務資訊交換專區 個人資料保護與隱私權聲明 網路安全 金融服務費用 共同行銷專區 消債條例前置協商專區 存款保險 相關單位連結 兆豐銀行季刊





The Ministry of the Interior National Immigration Agency (the “NIA”) has started to issue new UI No. for foreign nationals since Jan. 2nd, 2021.

  1. 內政部移民署為建立友善外來人口環境,將現行「2碼英文+8碼數字」外來人口統一證號,比照國民身分證號「1碼英文+9碼數字」編碼原則改版(以下簡稱新式統號)。
    To establish a friendly environment for foreign nationals, the NIA will change the UI No. format for foreign nationals from the current code to a new code consisting of one English letter followed by nine digits (hereafter referred to as “the new UI No.”), in conformity with the code used for citizens’ ID card numbers.
  2. 對於部分業務如因統一證號之改變,必須重新配賦交易密碼或憑證等情況,本行於知悉您已換發新式統號後,將以E-mail通知提醒您,攜帶載有新式統號之居留證件、與本行業務往來約定之印鑑及相關資料,至任一分行或原開戶行辦理變更事宜。
    If there is business that needs you to reset the password, we will notify you to change your original UI No. via e-mail upon knowing the issuance of your new UI No. Please bring your residence certificate with the new UI No., the original seal and relevant documentation to any branch of Mega Bank or the branch where you opened accounts.
  3. 另因本年度(110年)所得稅結算申報期間將屆,如您設定本行帳戶為稅款指定扣繳/退稅帳戶或以信用卡繳稅,提醒您注意個人綜合所得稅結算申報與留存於本行之統一證號是否相符,以免影響自身權益。
    Since the tax filing period is going to end in late May, if you have assigned your Mega Bank account as your tax deduction / refund account or plan to pay the tax by Mega Bank’s credit cards, please make sure the UI No. of individual income tax filing and that kept in Mega Bank are consistent to protect your own rights.
  4. 如您想知道更多「外來人口新式統一證號」的訊息,可至內政部移民署網頁查詢,或撥打各服務站電話、1996內政服務熱線或外來人口在臺生活諮詢服務熱線(0800-024-111),以得知更多訊息,感謝您一直以來對本行的支持及愛護,本行期待能持續為您提供更專業優質的金融服務。
    For more information about the new UI No. for foreign nationals, please visit the NIA’s official website, or call any service center, 1996(Service Hotline) or 0800-024-111(Foreigners in Taiwan Hotline). Thank you for your continued support. Mega Bank looks forward to offering more professional and better services for you.
  5. 本行諮詢專線:02-8982-0000
    Mega Bank Consulting Hotline:02-8982-0000


兆豐銀行 敬啟

  • 內政部移民署之新式外來人口統一證號專區:請點我

