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Senior Management Profiles

Chairman President

圖片檔 Chairman Paul C.D. Lei

董事長 照片

Date of Appointment:

Jun. 2023 ~ Current


  1. Chairman of Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holding Co., Ltd. & Taiwan Cooperative Bank
  2. Chairman of Central Deposit Insurance Corporation
  3. Advisor of International Cooperation and Development Fund
  4. Acting Chairman of Bank of Kaohsiung
  5. Director General of the Finance Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government
  6. Assistant Director General of Foreign Exchange Department, Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
  7. Advisor of Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
  8. Director of Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)


  1. Ph.D. in Economics, Cornell University
  2. M.A. in Economics, Cornell University
  3. M.A. in International Trade, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
  4. B.A. in International Trade, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

圖片檔 President Hu,Kuang-Hua

The President Of Mega International Commercial Bank - Hu,Kuang-Hua

Date of Appointment:

Aug. 2022 ~ Current


  • President of Mega Financial Holding Co., Ltd.
  • Executive Vice President of Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holding Co., Ltd. & Taiwan Cooperative Bank
  • Chairman of Taiwan Cooperative Bills Finance Corporation
  • Chief Secretary of the Board / Executive Vice President of Taiwan Cooperative Bank
  • Chief Secretary of the Board of Bank of Taiwan


MBA, College of Business, Iowa State University, U.S.A.


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