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Foreign Currency Savings Account TWD Savings Account Service Charges

Time Deposit


Two days to six days, one week, two weeks, three weeks, one month, three months, six months, nine months, one year, odd months and days between the said terms (namely, designated maturity date) and so on

Minimum deposit for opening an account and interest calculation

Currency Amount Currency Amount
USD 1,000 ZAR 8,000
EUR 1,000 NZD 2,000
GBP 600 SGD 2,000
AUD 1,500 THB 30,000
JPY 150,000 CAD 1,500
CNY 8,000 CHF 1,500
HKD 8,000 SEK 8,000

Receipt of interest

  • Customers may agree on receipt of interest on a monthly basis or in lump sum upon maturity.
  • The deposit may be terminated prior to maturity date or pledged at the percentage authorized by the Bank. Customers may apply for automatic roll over (time deposit FOREX with a designated maturity date will not allow automatic roll over).


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