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Corporate Banking Security Personal Banking Service Charges

Internet Banking

Required Certificates

Foreign residents who have accounts in Mega Bank can apply for Internet Banking or Mobile Banking at any Mega Bank’s branch by presenting the documents below, along with the signatures or personal seal.

  • Foreign residents may apply for TWD and Foreign Currency services if opening the account with ARCs, or Resident certificate for the Taiwan area and passport.
  • Foreign residents may only apply for TWD services if opening the account with Passport (if have not received an ARCs or Resident certificate for the Taiwan area) and "Record of ID No. in the ROC".


  • TWD
    Foreign residents may apply for account inquiry, TWD time deposit, TWD transfer etc.
  • Foreign Currency
    • Foreign residents may apply for account inquiry, foreign currency exchange, transfer, outward remittance etc.
    • When making foreign exchange transactions, transfers or remittances, the ARCs should be within the validity period.
    • Foreign residents may apply for electronic certificates in the case of sale and purchase of foreign currencies with amount exceeding the equivalent of NT$500,000, and a "Declaration Statement of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions" form is required to be filled out and the procedures shall comply with Regulations Governing the Declaration of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions promulgated by the Central Bank.
  • Download Mobile Banking APP


  • System requirements
    1. Users are recommended to use Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0 or higher Firefox 52.0 or higher version.
    2. The best resolution is 1024 x 768 or higher.
    3. Please select Enable JavaScript for proper display of the pages.
  • Security
  • Transmission of data between the client-end and the bank is protected by SSL protocol. Once the system is linked, information for authentication will be exchanged with the client-end. The data transmitted will be encrypted to prevent online theft or unauthorized modification.

  • Notes to Sign in
    1. Mega Bank deposit account customers may visit any branch of the bank to apply Netbank. The login password will be valid for one month after issuing and will expire beyond that period. Customers have to reapply over the counter. Customers shall login the website within one month after the first application. 
    2. The user password must be a combination of English letters and numbers from 6 to 8 digits. English letters shall be distinguished by capital letters or small letters. Pay attention to the “Caps Lock” position of the keyboard when setting or entering the password. Username requires 6 to 10 characters of alphabet or numbers(alphabet does not be distinguished with capital and small).
    3. If the wrong password was entered for 3 consecutive times, Netbank service will be suspended. Users shall use the [ forgot password ] function on the Mega bank Internet Banking page or use the WebATM to complete the relevant verification and reset login password or bring your ID card and personal seal for the deposit account to any of the service locations of the bank for reapplication of password.
    4. If the Applicant does not use the services under this agreement for one year, the passcode must first be changed upon log-in and it must not be the same as the previous passcode. To lower the risk of passcode theft, the Bank will remind the Applicant to change the passcode every 6 months.
  • Online Transfer
    1. The Bank provides 24-hour services for online transfer (excluding foreign exchange transactions) on both banking and non-banking days. If the operation continues after the end of the Bank’s business hours (3:30 p.m., Monday to Friday), it will be accounted for on the following business day.
    2. Scheduled transfer may be made for the following 12 months. If the payment date is not a business day, the transaction may be deferred to the following business day. A scheduled transaction may be cancelled through Internet Banking up to the day preceding the due date.
    3. Online foreign exchange transaction is during the Bank’s business hours (from 9:10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on business days) and non-business hours (from 4:30 p.m to 8:00 a.m, including hoilday).however, online foreign exchange transaction during non-business hours don’t including cross rate and the debit and the beneficiary account must be the same person’s account.  The transaction refers to the daily spot transaction of the exchange of the Bank’s listed foreign currencies for the New Taiwan dollar and exchange between the Bank’s listed foreign currencies.
    4. To make an Internet foreign exchange filing, the Applicant shall refer to the instructions for completing the application form provided on the Bank’s website and shall duly complete information in accordance with the format of the application form provided on the Bank’s website. Customers who transact foreign exchange transactions of up to NT$500,000 must bring your ID card and original seals in advance to each of our service locations to apply for XML electronic certificates. if the accumulated amount of foreign exchange transactions exceeds the equivalent of NT$500,000 per day, an Electronic Signature must also be sent to the Bank. After verification of the Applicant’s Electronic Signature, the Bank shall submit to the Central Bank the online foreign exchange transaction list and media completed by the Applicant, the approval document of the Central Bank and other required documents, together with the foreign exchange trading date.
    5. To complete transfer to non-designated accounts through Mega Bank's online banking services, the OTP device (dynamic password device) or XML certificate (smart card) must be used. This ensures that your savings will not be transferred by criminals.
  • Gold Passbook Transactions
  • The service hours for Internet Banking Gold Passbooks are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. of each banking day. The transaction limit will be published on the Bank’s website. The account from which subscription, or sale-back transactions may be made must be an NT$ or foreign-currency current deposit account with the Bank in the name of the Applicant.

  • Keep your Log-In information confidential. Please do not reveal or give your User ID, password, one-time password token, XML certificate and password to the third party or store your personal and sensitive information in the cloud, and keep your User ID, password and data of certificate vehicles confidentially.


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