U.S. Dollar, Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Japanese Yen, EURO, New Zealand Dollar, Singapore Dollar, South African Rand, Swedish Krona, Thai Baht and Renminbi
Currency | Amount | Currency | Amount |
USD | 100 | ZAR | 800 |
EUR | 100 | NZD | 200 |
GBP | 100 | SGD | 200 |
AUD | 150 | THB | 3,000 |
JPY | 15,000 | CAD | 150 |
CNY | 800 | CHF | 150 |
HKD | 800 | SEK | 800 |
Customers may apply for collecting and paying bills on his/her behalf at the Bank's business units.
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