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Inward Remittance Outward Remittance Foreign Exchange Service Charges

Outward Remittance

The Bank has the most convenient and fast remittance network and provides customers with the most comprehensive remittance services, which is the number 1 choice for customers when conducting foreign exchange.

In addition to the general outward remittance service, the Bank also provides convenient and fast remittance service between Taiwan and Mainland China.

Types of remittanc

  • T/T
  • M/T
  • Bank Draft

The applicant shall provide the following information

  • Please complete the Application Form for Outward Remittance by filling in Chinese name, English name, address and telephone number.
  • The beneficiary’s name, address, telephone number, account with institution and account number.
  • In the case of remittance of foreign exchanges with amount exceeding the equivalent of NT$500,000, a “Declaration Statement of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions” form (for settlement of purchase only) is required to be filled out and the procedures shall comply with the Regulations Governing the Declaration of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions promulgated by the Central Bank.


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