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加拿大地區分行 Canada Branch

ICON 關於分行 About




Mega International Commercial Bank, Canada Branch was formerly a subsidiary bank established and 100% invested by Mega International Commercial Bank. In order to expand the scale of operations in Canada, it was officially restructured into a branch model on April 16, 2018.

The main business scope of our branches in Canada include Ontario and British Columbia. Ontario's business scope is centered in the city of Toronto, where the business office is located in Toronto and is the headquarter of the Canada Branch. The business scope of British Columbia is centered in the city of Vancouver, and its business base is located in downtown Vancouver. The branch business after the restructuration is mainly focusing on wholesale banking, and uses the vast business network of Mega International Commercial Bank in Taiwan and overseas to provide various services as well.

營業項目 Service

  • 存款業務:支票存款、定期存款,最低存款餘額加幣15萬元。(請注意:設立於兆豐銀行加拿大地區分行之存款帳戶並未受到加拿大存款保險公司之保障)
  • 匯兌業務: 匯入匯款、 匯出匯款、即期(非現金)外幣兌換
  • 外匯業務: 信用狀開發 & 通知 、出口押匯、D/A 、 D/P 等託收業務
  • 授信業務: 住宅及商業房屋抵押貸款、 商業貸款、保證、國際聯貸

Products & Services

  • Deposit:
    Checking Account, Current Account, Term Deposit , minimun deposit balance is CAD 150 thousand. (NOTICE: Deposits with Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. Canada Branch are not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation.)
  • Foreign Exchange & Remittance:
    Inward Remittance, Outward Remittance, Non-Cash Currency Exchange.
  • Import & Export Related Business:
    Issuing & Advising of Letter of Credit , Inward & Outward Bill Negotiation, Bill Collection(D/A, D/P).
  • Loan:
    Residential & Commercial Mortgage, Commercial Loan, Issuing of L/G, International Syndication Loan.

存款開戶通知 Deposit Account Opening Notice


  • 個人:
    • 加國居民
      1. 身分證明文件,如居民卡、護照、駕照或健保卡(愛德華王子島省,曼尼托巴省,安大略省之健保卡除外)
      2. 提供社會保險號碼
    • 非加國居民
      1. 護照
      2. 身份證或其他證明文件
  • 公司:憑公司執照、公司組織章程、董監會名冊、負責人或被授權人身份證件辦理開戶。
  • 合夥企業:憑合夥契約、負責人或被授權人身份證件辦理開戶。


  • 客戶申請開立存款帳戶均應簽定各類如存款約定書等書表並留存簽樣卡。
  • 簽樣如有兩式以上者、存戶須註明其用法。
  • 公司及具有法人人格之其他團體,其負責人未留存簽樣者。應由負責人填具授權書或具函作授權之說明。

Documents required for account opening

  • Personal Account:
    • Canadian Residents:
      1. Government issued photo ID, such as PR Card / passport / driver’s license, health insurance card (except for Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, Ontario health insurance cards)
      2. Canadian resident should provide Social Insurance Number
    • Non-Canadian Residents:
      1. Passport
      2. ID card or other supporting documents
  • Business Account:
    • Company license
    • Certificate of Registration of a company
    • Company’s current board of directors
    • Person in charge or authorized person ID
  • Partnership Company Account:
    • Partnership Contract
    • Person in charge or authorized person ID

Agreements and Signature Card

  • Customers applying for deposit account should sign various of agreements such as a deposit agreement and a copy of signature card.
  • If there are more than two authorized signatures, depositors must indicate their purpose.
  • If the person in charge of the company and other organizations with legal personality did not sign the signature card, the person in charge should fill out the authorization letter or letter to explain the authorization.

ICON Standard Settlement Instruction,SSI

幣別 通匯銀行 SWIFT CODE
小國旗美金 (USD) The Bank of New York Mellon IRVTUS3N
A/C No. : 8901518158
小國旗加幣 (CAD) Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto, Canada ROYCCAT2
小國旗歐元 (EUR) The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA IRVTUS3N
A/C No. : 8033052481
小國旗日幣 (JPY) Mega International Commercial Bank, Tokyo Branch, Tokyo, Japan ICBCJPJT

客服小咩 Contact Us

  • Toronto Principal Office:
    • Address:North York Madison Centre 4950 Yonge Street, Suite 1002 Toronto , Ontario M2N 6K1 Canada
    • Tel:(1) (416) 947-2800
    • Email:icbcca@megaicbc.com
  • Vancouver Office:
    • Address:1095 West Pender Street, Suite 1250 Vancouver, British Columbia, V6E 2M6 Canada
    • Tel:(1) (604) 689-5650
    • Email:obscvr@megaicbc.com

