Dual Currency Settlement: The separate NTD and USD/JPY accounts are designed for domestic and global settlement, making your travel easier.
Get an uncapped 2.5% cash rebate for overseas spending, 1% cash rebate for domestic spending.(Valid until Jun 30, 2024)
Free public transportation travel safety insurance.(Valid until Jun 30, 2024)
Enjoy competitive rates in currency exchange.(Valid until Jun 30, 2024)
Application criteria
A primary card applicant must be at least age 18 and have a foreign currency account of Mega Bank.
A additional card applicant must be a spouse, parent(including in-laws), child, or sibling to the primary cardholder and at least age 15, if under age 18, legal representative (i.e. parent / guardian) must co-sign.
The minimum required deposit for opening a saving account is NTD1,000 and for foreign currency account is USD100 or JPY15,000.
Attachments:photocopy of the following documents:
Valid R.O.C.(Taiwan) employment gold card (both front and back).
臺幣活期存款開戶最低金額:NTD 1,000;外幣活期存款開戶最低金額:USD 100或JPY 15,000。
Primary Card:NT$3,000 ,Additional Card:Free
Annual Fee Waiver Standard:No annual fee for the first year.
From the second year onwards, your annual fee can be waived when any of the following conditions is met:
1.sign up for non-paper statements.
2.your accumulated spending in the previous year exceeds NT$150,000.
正卡:NT$3,000 ,附卡:免收(Free)
For applying credit card or open a bank account, please contact Mega Bank's 24-hours Customer Service Center(Telephone Number: 02-8982-0000) and provide the date you would like to visit the branch (9:00am-3:30pm Monday to Friday)